Rassaun Services Inc. is committed to creating an inclusive environment and treating all people in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence.
In recognizing people’s abilities and contributions to Rassaun Services, the company is committed to preventing, minimizing and removing the barriers to participation by persons with disabilities in the activities of the company including employment, the purchasing of goods and/or services and/or social activity. By committing to meeting the needs of people with disabilities this will ensure that a person’s sense of dignity, pride and independence is maintained.
While individuals are expected to fulfill their employment obligations and do so at a level of excellence, the company recognizes that persons with disabilities may require reasonable accommodation to allow them to fulfill these obligations. It is the responsibility of both the employee and the employer to participate in creating an equitable and inclusive environment. This includes identifying and minimizing barriers in the accommodation process.
Rassaun Services Inc. and its representatives believe in the integration and equal opportunity for all, and thus the company will aim to create an inclusive culture.